Louis Plung & Company Office Operations Update

Blue skyscrapers

To our valued clients,

As you have most likely aware, Governor Tom Wolf ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania to close their physical locations effective 8 pm on March 19, 2020.  We have been preparing for this possibility and have had a remote contingency plan in place. We have now fully activated that plan. WHILE OUR PHYSICAL LOCATION IS CLOSED, OUR OFFICE IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND ALL OF OUR EMPLOYEES ARE WORKING REMOTELY. WE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO CONTINUE TO ASSIST YOU WITH ALL OF YOUR TAX, AUDITING, ACCOUNTING AND CONSULTING NEEDS DURING THIS TIME.

Closing our physical office will change some of our normal procedures, but rest assured we will still be able to support and service your needs.

To facilitate tax return and accounting processing for you:

–        Please submit if possible, electronic copies of all necessary files via our secure client portal. The ShareFile portal can be found on our website.  Should you need an account set up, please contact your Louis Plung & Company representative who can set up the secure portal for you in minutes or send you a secure link to transfer files. We are receiving mail, but we anticipate some delay in our responsiveness due to these unusual circumstances.

–        All tax returns, financial statements and any other reports or documents will be provided to you electronically, via secure email or Sharefile.

–        We are proactively filing extensions for all our clients as a precaution. At this time, the deadline to submit 2019 US federal income tax returns and payments (including 2020 first-quarter estimates) normally due April 15th has been extended to July 15th, 2020. However, we still encourage you to send in your information now so that it can be processed. Most state and local governments, including Pennsylvania, have not announced payment and filing deadline extensions. As the deadlines for filing and payment evolve, we will keep you updated.

Please continue to call our office phone number to reach us. As we work remotely, you may experience a few more rings than usual before you reach us, but please be patient and know that the calls are getting through to us.

We are here to help you in any way possible. Please contact your service team member if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your support and trust in us as we navigate these challenging times together.


Louis Plung & Company LLP

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